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Writer's pictureNina Virk

That Tipping Point

For many of us, this slowing down of life, brought on by COVID-19, has allowed for perspective. ⚖️ The paring down into simpler living. But within that existence, there are remnants of stress -- issues surrounding trauma, loneliness, anxiety, and mental wellness abound. 😔 Talking about what ails us is difficult. And when a person is somehow, one day magically ‘fine’, are they really? For where does the problem -- waiting, simmering, watching -- go? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Is everyone on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Doubtful. But we are all vulnerable. ☝🏽Throughout our lives, we have difficulties. These leave imprints, altering thoughts, actions, deeds. 👣 Support networks, foundations, patience (or lack of it), all frame our behaviour. 🖼

My best friend told me last night that her young son’s tutor said he was ‘an empath’. I cheered loudly. 👏🏽 He is an example of what the Oxford English Dictionary defines as a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. 📖 I know this kid. He is certainly this, and more. In countless ways, he sets an example for the rest of us.👌🏽

On the heels of Unhinged, my filmmaker brother in law implored us to watch Falling Down. 🎞 A similar plotline, the always brilliant Michael Douglas plays a man who is beaten down by work, love, society, and life. 😢 Not a thriller, so much as a commentary on society, Falling Down demonstrates the true unravelling of a fragile man. And it is oh so painful to watch. 🤦🏻‍♀️

The bottom line is this: as we co-exist together, we interact on a daily basis. We generally know what is appropriate and what isn’t. We follow society’s rules, and we try our best to live. Well. As we take turns on a rotating merry go round of problems -- carrying more or less than our share, on any given day -- none of us is immune. When we forget this, society does not work. Companies fail to honour contracts. Divorce lawyers tap out the finances of their clients. Many in the police are constantly letting us down. Front desk personnel stick us in their red tape and bureaucracy. Simpler frustrations abound in day to day living. McDonald’s does not let us get breakfast because it’s two minutes past 11:30 am. ⏰ A bus driver won’t wait as they see you running towards them. 🚎 Rogers Cable does not care that the internet is shoddy at best, and we may switch to Bell.😡

Name your poison.

We are all vulnerable. 🙏🏽 Depending on where we are in life, the smallest thing can be that so-called tipping point. I recall an incident years ago, where I put my daughter’s water bottle in my purse. 👜 The cap was a bit loose, and a small amount of water leaked out. 💦 Well, that was it. Because of the stress I was under regarding a larger issue, those tiny drops undid me, opening the emotional floodgates. 😢 We can all recall moments like this. We all have our tipping points.

As we aspire to be compassionate, showing our humanity to one another, we can slowly melt those glaciers that leave individuals feeling isolated, and alone. ❤️ Not one of us wants to be the cause of unravelling another’s fragility. So, where we can be empaths, let’s. 🙏🏽

Strength in numbers. 💫 💫 💫

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