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lessons on life, love, and the pursuit of balance

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Writer's pictureNina Virk

Let Me Count The Ways

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

PART 2 of 3…

‘Love is a many splendored thing’. 💕 But it is not automatic that people in our lives know we love them. We try to convey feelings & emotions, at times coming up empty. Especially if not on the same page. 📝

Think about how you wish to be loved. How you know someone loves you. 🤔 What you crave is likely the ideal way you feel special. Your primary language(s) of love, as Dr. Gary Chapman, Ph. D, would say. 📖

*Maybe it’s through frequent and loving Words of Affirmation. Caring texts, and ‘I love you’s’. ♥️

*Or is it by someone going out of their way, and doing things? Acts of Service.

*It may be Receiving Gifts. Not the money, but the thought, time, & care involved. 🎁

*Perhaps it’s doing something -- fully present, and meaningful -- together. Quality Time. ⏰

*Many feel most loved through Physical Touch. Holding hands, kissing, being held. 🤝

What if the person we are with demonstrates love in a different way than we do? We run around, doing this and that for them, or buying A, B, and C, busy “showing our love” -- when all the other wants is to maybe slow down, watch a film together. Or sit, and talk intentionally. We plan elaborate dates, spend tons of money, when the other just needs to be held, and spoken to lovingly.

Making effort does not have one clear, static definition, does it? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I look at my daughter. She has many aunts and she adores them. Being older, they often do things on their own, as sisters. Of course Mia knows they love her. They tell and show her so. But sometimes, when she isn’t part of an outing or visit, she feels unsure -- her primary love language, quality time together. ♥️

I asked our son, of all ways — when you get a present, or we hug, or do something together, or I make you a nice meal — how does he know I love him? After thinking, he said when I tell him so...those words of affirmation. Bless his heart. ♥️ My husband then piped in that he needs all 5! 😉

Arguably, each “language” is important -- in relationships, we give and receive a combination. And understanding and speaking another’s, a win on all counts! 💫

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PART 2 OF 3...

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