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Writer's pictureNina Virk

Dear Evan Hansen

“The parts we can't tell, we carry them well

But that doesn't mean they're not heavy…”

Last week, we went shopping. A sales rep we met fell absolutely in love with Johnny (no judgment on the stroller!). She spoke of how lonely the lockdown was -- moving here from Montreal, with few friends. Add to that, her cat passed away. As Johnny leaned in for more, it warmed her heart. Which warmed ours. Johnny does that. ❤️

That same day, we went to see the broadway based film Dear Evan Hansen. What a story it is. Many of us have been touched by suicide -- a difficult thing to think about, let alone talk about, no matter how much time goes by. 😞

Loneliness affects everyone. And teenagers battle a lot -- in an age of much unknown, “the future” is a distant, far away place. The mother tells Evan, who struggles with social anxiety disorder that one day this will seem very, very small. That he must not give up. 🙏🏽

Even before COVID-19, depression and loneliness have been a plague all on their own. And we don’t always know who struggles. Feels invisible. Has no one to talk to. And while the content of Dear Evan Hansen is delicate, those who struggle can relate. Feel heard. Seen.

Everyone should see this film. Critics dislike it, feeling it plays fast and loose with the topic of mental health. And we can nitpick at Evan’s missteps -- only if we forget that he too, struggles.

Any spotlight on how hard it is to deal with life is a must. We cannot solve it all in one film. 🎥 But as we continue to normalize talking about mental health, films like this are progressive, diverse, necessary. 💯

For teens, feeling found is first and foremost. That feeling of belonging. The scene of Evan eating alone in the caf, everyone oblivious to him, how many teens have felt that? I cannot be the only one. And how many parents have felt alienated from their teens? So while the reviews are lukewarm, I for one, found Dear Evan Hansen incredibly powerful. 👊🏽

Maybe it helps us dial up our empathy. Encourages teens to let someone in. And if those who watch, and are struggling can feel a little less invisible, then well done. 👏🏽

“Today at least you're you. No hiding, no lying.

And that's enough. So no matter how hard it gets...don't let go.

Just hold on, and keep going.”

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1 comentário

30 de set. de 2021

Oh we so need to see this .. i wanted to see on Broadway too. Never got to

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