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Writer's pictureNina Virk

COVID Blues 😔

For the last 6 weeks, our household has been in the throes of COVID – our first real experience. 🦠 I suppose we are fortunate that it took this long. First my husband got sick. Fever, cough, cold, the works. 🤒 No need for a hospital, it was still quite severe. And a bit scary – not to mention trying to get a test, you’d have better luck getting into Fort Knox! 👀

The rest of our family felt okay, as he self-isolated in one room. We hoped to salvage Christmas.🎄 However, a week later, our son tested positive. 😳 Thankfully with no symptoms, he still had to isolate in his room. Imagine his glee, at 16 years of age, a full gaming system at his disposal, and hot meals delivered to his door. 🎧 💻 🥘 The downside, not seeing friends nor family.

Seemingly out of the woods, we were grateful to all be “okay”. Until a few days later, my daughter and I both got hit with the virus. 😱 Fine when we woke up, at some point in the day it came on like a freight train and we could barely get out of bed. 🛌 For days on end, we had full flu-like symptoms, zero energy, and little will to do anything. 😔

In and out of sleep for about a week, we had Netflix and HBO. 📺

Still, it did a number on us both. By day 5 and feeling no better, the mental toll was huge.😢 Those active in everyday life find this to be the most difficult part – such vulnerability when faced with not being able to do anything for ourselves. Family, friends, and neighbors swooped in and helped us not feel so alone. The phone calls, and the messages were truly overwhelming. Never have the words “check your porch” meant so much.🏠

We are the lucky ones. 🙏🏽

After about a week, we started to feel better. Still now, energy levels are not where they should be, but we are relatively okay.

Will this pandemic ever end? And will those who are suffering emotionally, financially, and of course physically, ever recover?

Here’s to our resilience. In the face of such unprecedented madness, here’s to sticking together, however we can. 🌍 Anyone who has had the virus, or lost loved ones to it, or has had their job affected knows how hard this is. 😔

As we enter year three, I pray for better days ahead. 🙏🏽

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